3 exclusive facts about the new AC80 Free Fire (FF)!

Although the item has been tested for a short time, the item was immediately released on the official Free Fire server and players can now test it out.
3 exclusive facts about the new AC80 Free Fire (FF)!

Ronny Rolim

In the Free Fire update of August 4, 2021, Free Fire introduced several updates that players could feel the difference. These upgrades range from features, items to new weapons.

The new Free Fire weapon in question is the AC80 weapon. Yes, although the item was tested for a short time via the Advanced Server, the weapon was immediately released on the official Free Fire server and players can now use it.

This weapon is included in the Long Range Rifles list, along with the SVD, Rifle and SKS. To get to know the AC80 up close, Free Fire Mania has gathered unique facts about the AC80.

1. Can be attached with any attachment except crosshairs

AC80 Free Fire
AC80 Weapon can have any attachment except the Aim

As with other Rifles, this weapon can be attached to any attachment except Scope because this weapon has been equipped with a 4x scope by default, so you don't have to worry about looking for a Scope for this weapon.

2. It was "nerfed" after release

AC80 Free Fire
AC80 was nerfed in its official release

At the time of its release on Advanced Server, this weapon became the largest in terms of ammunition among Sniper Rifles, with 14 rounds. However, at the time of release on the official server, this weapon has only 10 ammo and Carapina remains the weapon with the highest ammunition capacity among Rifles.

3. Have special abilities

AC80 Free Fire
AC80 Free Fire

This weapon has a special ability that is almost equal to Famas-X. The AC80 will deal extra damage on the second shot in a row and the damage dealt is about 100 damage.

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