Free Fire or Farlight 84? What is the best battle royale mobile game?

Farlight 84 is a multiplayer action game that immerses you in forty-player battles where the last man standing wins the game.
Free Fire or Farlight 84? What is the best battle royale mobile game?

Ronny Rolim

Free Fire 's monopoly in Brazil and countries in Latin America and Southeast Asia is slowly decreasing and people are looking for its alternative. The game has been banned in different countries like India, which by the way has the highest share of its fan base. While Battle Royale games are nothing new to the world, Free Fire has introduced this concept in a fresh way. This made Free Fire a champion over many of its competitors.

Although Garena 's game maintains its enormous success, it has been gradually decreasing its large fan base, either because of super powerful characters, lack of communication with the community or even because of the expensive events that Free Fire insists on passing on daily for users.

Now, many games that look like Free Fire are getting huge support, although they look pale and small compared to Garena 's huge game size, games like the brand new Farlight 84 are an excellent alternative for gamers.

Farlight 84: The New Kid Around Mobile Gaming

Is Farlight 84 better than Free Fire?
Is Farlight 84 better than Free Fire?

Due to various problems with Free Fire , people started exploring app stores in search of an alternative. Download counts for games like Call of Duty and Free Fire have increased dramatically, but none of them have gained the hip like they did a few years ago. Now, a new game called Farlight 84 has been spotted on the Play Store for early access, and it looks promising.

Farlight 84 is a battle royale shooter developed by Miracle Games SG. It is a Singapore-based company founded in 2020. It is the first game developed by the company.

Set in 2084, Farlight 84 takes players to a post-apocalyptic world where they can command vehicles with lethal capabilities, fly and propel themselves across the battlefield with a unique jetpack, and discover a roster of heroes with personality and ultimate abilities. ! The game has a wide range of heavy weapons, vehicles, and explosive devices for players to use.

To begin with, Farlight 84 takes up the origins of Free Fire , when small and medium cell phone players could play at will. Currently Free Fire requires more robust devices. However, some gameplay features need some polishing in Farlight 84 , as they feel clunky and confusing. For example, the landing looks a little weird and needs a lot of work to make it smoother.

Overall, the graphics are decent, but they need some serious improvements to make them look smoother.


Farlight 84 game
Farlight 84 game

Farlight 84 has some amazing features out of the box. They make the game more interesting and fun to play. For example, the backpack used to store supplies has been replaced in this game with a jetpack. A player can use the jetpack in battle to move quickly and also to stock up on supplies.

The weapons used in Farlight 84 are not realistic , but they will certainly give you a new vibe when using them. You will feel more of them like laser guns than real guns. They have some unique abilities like throwing protective shields, smoke grenades, and robotic kills. However, the handling feels a bit sluggish and the aiming feels a bit awful. Unlike Free Fire , aiming in this game seriously lacks that unique feel. Even equipping the scope and attached holographic vision weapons won't help you to clearly aim at the enemy. This is certainly one of the biggest downsides of this game.

After all, which one is better? Free Fire or Farlight 84?

Free Fire remains the game with the most players in Brazil
Free Fire remains the game with the most players in Brazil

Since it's early access, we don't expect anything else. Farlight 84 must evolve and that can only happen with time. While the idea of future survivors fighting each other for reign over the wasteland seems a little cringeworthy, overall it's worth a try. However, initial impressions of this game are quite promising.

However, players who have good cell phones should opt for Free Fire over Farlight 84 , as Garena's game is consolidated and several game defects have been fixed over almost 6 years of existence. Free Fire has a base with peaks of over 100 million daily players, in Farlight 84 that number still does not reach 9 million .

Farlight 84 is a promising game but still far from the stability of Free Fire , many influencers banned for using hacks in Free Fire, or who lost contracts with Garena , are playing Farlight 84 and it may seem that the game has grown a lot, but it's still not enough.