Older Free Fire Player Accounts

See who are the oldest Free Fire players and accounts
Older Free Fire Player Accounts


Have you ever stopped to ask yourself which is the oldest Free Fire account ? Who was the first player in the game that today is the favorite among Brazilians?

Well, today we are going to talk about this curiosity and list the oldest Free Fire accounts of the entire game.

1st Harold

oldest free fire account

Harold is the account name for Harold Teo , Garena's global producer and general responsible for Free Fire. He came to Brazil in 2019, when Alok was announced as a character in the game.

Due to the movement of the account, his last access was in August / 2019.

2nd Chrono

oldest free fire account

The second oldest Free Fire account is named Crono , we don't know him, but he may be another game developer.

3rd and 4th Keke

oldest free fire account

5th wenjiaqi

Wenjiaqi's account is secret, there is no permission to view!

6th test001

oldest free fire account in the world

This account, of course, must have been created to test game details.

As we can see, these accounts are not of a high level or of great patents. Some of them are no longer used, there are even accounts whose profiles have been found, but cannot be opened.

In addition, there are test accounts , in order to verify the features before it is released to the Free Fire audience.

You can also check how long your account has, by checking your identification number. For example, if your ID has the number 10002371, your account will be the 2,371 Free Fire account.

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