New pet Free Fire: Agent Hop is a rabbit that brings the character to life, check ability

The new Free Fire pet has already been released and will be a rabbit (or hare?) called Agent Hop.
New pet Free Fire: Agent Hop is a rabbit that brings the character to life, check ability

Ronny Rolim

In Free Fire , pets emerged as a mere companion and, given their acceptance, evolved to incorporate skills, increasingly decisive in the development of the game. These skills are currently interchangeable, allowing us to enjoy the company of our favorite pet, equipping it with the skill we consider most important.

See also: all Free Fire Pets

With each new update, a new pet is added to Garena's Battle Royale and for September 2021, the new Free Fire pet has already been released and will be a rabbit (or hare?) called " Agent Hop ".

Note: the following information is exclusive to Free Fire Mania, check it out first hand.

New pet Agent Hop: check your skill

new Pet Hop Agent
New Pet Hop Agent

Agent Hop is the new Free Fire pet and will be introduced in the game as of the September 2021 update. In addition, the novelty can already be tested through the Advanced Server and that's why its ability is already known.

"You get EP every time the Safe Zone shrinks."

In general, the Agent Hop pet's ability is to give the character EP health each time the Safe Zone shrinks , that is, a certain amount of EP health is given to the character each time the Safe decreases.

Life EP in Free Fire means Energy Points , is that yellow bar that has the function of replacing the HP life (white) as it is consumed. It is possible to get EP life using mushrooms or inhalers for example.

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In Free Fire there are 7 (seven) Safe Zones , known as " Safe Zone ", therefore, the new Pet Agent Hop will add EP health to the character every time one of these Safe Zones decreases .