Day 01: Where to find the Inari Fox Treasure on the Free Fire Map

Find out where to find Inari's Fox Treasure and to hunt it on the Free Fire map this day 01
Day 01: Where to find the Inari Fox Treasure on the Free Fire Map


June's Elite Pass, Inari's Revenge will begin and together with it, the Inari Fox's treasure hunt event will begin which will give various temporary items to the new Elite Pass .

On this 1st of June 2020 , the treasure of the Fox of Inari is concentrated on the Bermuda map , between the cities of Hangar and Katulistiwa.

Follow the road that leads to the bridge that has between these two cities, look for the guardhouse closest to the road, there you will already be able to find the Fox of Inari , summon the fox and follow it to find the Treasure .

But be very careful, this place must have the highest concentration of players that are on the Map, either by treasure or by bullshit, the exchange there will be insane!